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What type of assets do you already have?
Content is king, and you'll need plenty of assets to populate your site. These assets may include previously published printed collateral, previous or current websites, previously produced multimedia, video, printed advertisements, business and/or marketing plans, or even hand written notes on a napkin. We can use these pre-existing assets, or custom design and produce make everything, you need including writing copy for your site. If you're on a budget, we will use whatever existing assets that we can, providing you understand that with the Internet "things are a bit different."
- Photos: Digital files are best. Scanning photos, especially from newspapers or poor quality printing is not a good idea.
- Text: You can't have too much. Search engines only see text, and in order to reach a good key word penetration, you'll need articles that are written for your audience and search engines. You may consider writing articles as "landing pages" keying on specific search terms you may think your audience might use. These landing pages need to be content driven, however. You can take the opportunity to explain in greater detail the finer points of your service or product. People can click these for more information, but reading is not required on a general read of your site.
- Multimedia: If you already have video or multimedia -- great, we can use it! If not, you may consider having TBG produce a custom video featuring your products/company. More than ever before, video on a website is a great sales and marketing tool. Plus, these same assets can be posted on many other social sites, increasing your web presence. YouTube is one example. We can create your own YouTube channel, post your video assets there, and it's like having two separate websites for a google search.
- TBG Assets: After almost 20 years of design, we have a large library of stock photos that are included in the price of our designs. We never charge extra for stock images unless we need to custom purchase something outside our library. We also specialize in custom 3D animation and illustration. If you don't have it, we can create it.